Miss New Mexico's Outstanding Teen,

Meet Miss New Mexico's Outstanding Teen 2012 Official Contestants

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Beauty Pageant > United States > Road to Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013 >

* Miss New Mexico's OT 2012 - Official Contestants
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2011 - Nicolette Noel Young
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2010 - Nadine Sanchez
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2009 - Ashley Fresquez
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2008 - Alyssa Jean Sifuentes
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2007 - Madison Tabet ( Later Miss New Mexico 2010 )
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2006 - Ellen Striepeke
* Miss New Mexico's OT 2005 - Sara Elizabeth Ryan

* Road to Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013
* Alabama - Callie Walker Crowned Miss Alabama's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Arizona - Madison Esteves Crowned Miss Arizona's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Arkansas - Miss Arkansas' Outstanding Teen 2012 to be crown on June 27 - 30, 2012
* Kansas - Miss Kansas Outstanding Teen 2012 Contestants Announce
* Massachusetts - Amy de Silva Crowned Miss Massachusetts' Outstanding Teen 2012
* Maine - Katie Elliott Crowned Miss Maine's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Minnesota - Bailey Wachholz Crowned Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen 2012Meet Contestants
* Missouri - Shelby Steingraeber crowned Miss Missouri's Outstanding Teen 2012
* New Hampshire - Eileen Kelley Crowned Miss New Hampshire's Outstanding Teen 2012
* New Jursey - Amanda Ross Crowned Miss New Jersey's Outstanding Teen 2012
* New Mexico - Miss New Mexico's OT 2012 - Official Contestants
* New York - Shannon Ryan Crowned Miss New York Outstanding Teen 2012 / Meet Contestants
* North Carolina - Miss North Carolina's OT 2012 - Preliminary ( Night 1 Winners , Night 2 Winners , Night 3 Winners )
* Ohio - Sarah Eash Crowned Miss Ohio's Outstanding Teen 2012 / Official Contestants
* Oklahoma - Julianne Thomison Crowned Miss Oklahoma's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Pennsylvania - Katelyn Miller crowned Miss Pennsylvania's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Rhode Island - Alexandra Coppa Crowned Miss Rhode Island's Outstanding Teen 2012
* Utah - Jessica Richards Crowned Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen 2012

* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013 - Road to Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2012 Winner - Elizabeth Fechtel / Contestants
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2011 Winner - Lacey Russ Photo Gallery
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2010 Winner - Jeanette Morelan
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2009 Winner - Taylor Fitch
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2008 Winner - Caitlin Brunell
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2007 Winner - Maria DeSantis
* Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2006 (First Edition) Winner - Meghan Miller

Miss New Mexico's Outstanding Teen 2012 Pageant will be held on June 23, 2012 at 8:00 PM at the Spencer Theater in Ruidoso, NM. New beauty teen will represent her state in the Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013, will be held in Orlando, Florida., August 14 - 18, 2012.

Miss New Mexico Contestants 2012

Miss Teen New Mexico Contestants 2012

Front Row, left to right : Juliann Lamb, Albuquerque's Outstanding Teen Alyssa Lovato, chaves Co. Outstanding Teen Jaden Smith, Roswell's Outstanding Teen Ashley Morgan Smith, Alamogordo's Outstanding Teen
Back row, left to right : Kelsey Panek, Miss Rio Rancho's Outstanding Teen; Presley Rhodus, Miss Las Cruces Outstanding Teen; Gabrielle Torres, Miss Las Vegas Outstanding Teen; Christine Lopez, Miss Octoberfest Outstanding Teen. Not shown: Natalie Benson, Miss Albuquerque Outstanding Teen; Taylor Rey, Miss Mesilla Valley Outstanding Teen; Ashley Smith, Miss Zia Outstanding Teen Mackenzie Brabson; Miss Cloudcroft's Outstanding Teen.

Natalie Benson, Route 66's OT Presley Rhodus, Miss Las Cruces OT Taylor Rey, Miss Mesilla Valley OT Christine Lopez, Miss Octoberfest

courtesy image of missnewmexico.org

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